How many challenges do we face as parents every day?

We read, we ask friends, our parents, we try and still fail to get the peace, the balance we need in our family, and every day, we go back to square one in a constant struggle.

Often in our parenting journey we will be judged for our decisions, allow our inner critics to limit us, chasing a perfect parent daily, feeling frustrated and sometimes helpless not enjoying time with our children

The parent comes to face the upbringing of their child alone, uncertain, unstable, troubled and without support or guidance.


What is Parent Coaching:

Parent Coaching is a process and a relationship where:

  • the parents feel heard with no judgement

  • they get more clarity on what they want to change,

  • they gain confidence and understanding of what they are already doing really well,

  • they are given tools and advice based on the latest research for the optimal  cognitive, social and emotional development of the child,

  • advice that are aligned with their value systems and their parenting identity,

  • advice tailored to their own personality and capacity,

  • solutions that is tailored to the needs of the entire family

Together step by step I support the parent(s) until they feel confident and grounded in their wisdom,  the life with their children is easier, they have more energy, they feel they can relax and enjoy their parenting role again.

How many sessions do you need:

Change is a process and it takes time. Some parents are benefited by two or three sessions , others need more time to make permanent, sustaining changes. It all depends on your intention and your challenges with your children when you come to me for support. That is why I am not suggesting a specific number of sessions. Each family is unique and has their own challenges. I am here to offer the support the family needs, in any way they do. I want to be their thinking partner and their guide if it just for a session, if it is for weekly or biweekly sessions, or any time they need me.

Having said that, I find that quick fixes and solutions are not effective within human relationships and dynamics, especially in families.

The sessions are done online, via Skype, Zoom, Viber, Whatsapp, Messenger, or any online tool of your preference.